Archive for the ‘>Science of Mind’ Category


Posted: มีนาคม 13, 2010 in >Science of Mind

A BBC Documentary (5 Parts) by Horizon that shows and discusses recent findings about the intricacies of the mind, the workings of memory both at its best and at its worst.

Part1 ; Introduction, How does Memory Work?, Childhood Amnesia & Autobiographical Memory

Part2 ; Memory Gaps & routine, Hypocampus (MRI), Recall Tests, Amnesia – Remembering the Past & Imagining the Future, Mental Time-Travel

Part3 ; Mental Time-Travel, Abstract Thought & Planning, Survival Response, Traumatic Memory, Post-Traumatic Memory Disorder (PTSD)

Part4 ; PTSD, Emotional Resolution, Age & Memory Loss, Brain Changes, Blood-Flow Impairment, Alzheimer

Part5 ; Alzheimer (contd.), Dementia, Times Arrow.

In Memory of all those Memories. Dedicated to reminding us of New Years Past, Present and Future.

Science and Buddhism

Posted: มีนาคม 8, 2010 in >Science of Mind

Where Science and Buddhism Meet PART 1

Where Science and Buddhism Meet: Emptiness, Interconnectivity and the Nature of Reality

Please don’t forget to rate and favorite if you enjoy! 🙂

Thank you for taking the time to watch this! If you enjoy this video and think it would be of some benefit or interest to others please share! My intentions are of a pure and positive nature and with this I hope to share what I believe to be a very meaningful message. I’ve made this to share what I believe to a profound convergence of two way seemingly opposite ways of perceiving and understanding reality. Lots of love!!
– Gerald

Here is a very partial list of resources, please message me with any questions!

Where Science and Buddhism Meet PART 2

Buddhism in a Global Age of Technology

Posted: มีนาคม 8, 2010 in >Science of Mind

Burke Lecture: Buddhism in a Global Age of Technology

A distinguished scholar of Buddhism, Lewis Lancaster founded the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative to use the latest computer technology to map the spread of various strands of Buddhism from the distant past to the present. Series: “Burke Lectureship on Religion & Society”